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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall
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Road Safety Week 2024

18th Nov 2024

This week, we celebrate Road Safety Week. Primary 4 children have been looking at road safety during our reading of the class novel ‘The Hodgeheg.’

Rachel, from our local PSNI called to talk to the Year 4 children about road safety all year around!

She showed us reflective clothes and reflective strip that lights up when a light is shone on it. Rachel reminded us of the importance of fluorescent jackets or a vest when on our bike, on farms, going to or from afterschool or walking to home from school.


As passengers, Rachel told us the first thing children must do, when sitting in a car or any vehicle is to wear your seat belt - the correct way. Rachel reminded the children of the importance of sitting in the back seat, on a booster seat!  She showed us the height by law, 135cm or 11 years old, that you must sit in a car seat to keep you as safe as possible when you are in a car!

Linking with our class novel, Rachel talked through the Green Cross Code and how our character Max, crosses the road in the novel The Hodgeheg. We need to remember to stop, look and listen.

When crossing the road, Rachel reminded us about the importance of using zebra crossings, islands, traffic lights, pelican crossings and lollipop patrols to help us cross the road safely. She also talked about the importance of wearing our helmets and riding our bikes safely when out and about.


We thank Rachel for a very informative talk and our bag of reflective goodies.