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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

14th Mar 2017

St Conor’s Primary School Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at St Conor’s Primary School are off to a great start after being trained as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in October 2016 at a training event hosted by Loreto Grammar School in Omagh.

The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Training Programme is one of the main projects undertaken by The Diana Award's Anti-Bullying Campaign. Over 22,000 young people across the UK have been trained to lead on anti-bullying campaigns in their schools. 

Our Anti-Bullying Team – made up of pupils from Years 6 and 7: Aoife McCann, Emily Mc Goldrick, Caitlin Slevin, Dylan Kelly, Fiontan McCartney, Aine Stewart, Freya McGirr, Eoin Donnelly, Lorcan McGrath and Emma McQuaid - has designed and created a display board displaying their information on the main corridor of the school. They also planned and delivered a whole school assembly to inform pupils of who the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are and of their important role in the school.  They are currently preparing to introduce the concept of a Bully Box and Sorry Box for pupils to use.

Well done St Conor’s Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for all your hard work!