Year 4
Year 4 is a special year for our children, they reach the end of Key Stage 1 and they celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
In Year 4, the children are prepared for entering their final years of primary school and the teaching and learning they will experience through Key Stage 2. It is also a time to bring together everything that they have learned through their early years in our school and extend it to complete the curriculum for Key Stage 1.
Year 4 provides the children and their parents with the opportunity to grow in their faith through the important preparation for the sacraments. While the celebration of both sacraments are special occasions for both our school and parish communities, the time spent in preparation both in school and through the In Memory of Me programme provided by the parish allows families to experience the support of others in passing on the faith to their children.
We look forward to welcoming your child to Year 4.
Teaching staff:
Miss J McKee
Mrs M McMahon
Year 4 Classroom Assistants:
Miss Conroy
Mrs Duddy
Miss McAnulla
Mrs McCrory
Mrs McGirr
Miss Rice
Mrs McWilliams
Curriculum Overview
Latest Photographs