In St Conor's we view the "Curriculum" in its very broadest sense as incorporating everything which happens in our school. The individual child is at the centre of the curriculum and this informs how we organise the curriculum and determines its day-to-day implementation in each class and in our school generally.
As a Catholic school, we strive to create a positive ethos which is inclusive of everyone in the school community and reaches out with tolerance and respect to those in the wider community. We are guided in our day-to-day delivery of the curriculum by values such as mutual respect and honesty. Teachers, assistants and parents work together to maximise the learning opportunities available to children.
The curriculum is delivered in class groups, though we provide opportunities for classes and year groups to come together for shared activities.
All classes undertake educational trips as a way of broadening their educational experience and enriching the curriculum. The Year 7 classes usually have the opportunity to undertake a residential trip.
Maximise use is made of the school library, computer area/laptop trolley and the local environment to provide additional learning opportunities for the children. Visitors from the local community and beyond are invited into the school to speak on current topics. These visits are important, not only in forging links between the school and the community, but also in making direct connections between learning in school and real life which is an important theme in the school.
The children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of external competitions and events, which also enrich the curriculum for pupils. These include Feis competitions, community events, concerts etc.
We are currently in pursuit of 'International Schools Status', having forged links with schools in Argentina.
The children are taught on occasions as a whole group but we also make provision for group work, paired work and independent work as appropriate.
Our aim is to provide as much variety as possible in terms of teaching methods and curriculum delivery. This sometimes includes the redeployment of staff with different areas of expertise so that the children benefit from this expertise and experience a wide variety of teaching styles and approaches. In addition, children in our Partially Hearing Unit are encouraged to integrate where possible. Children with particular learning difficulties are sometimes withdrawn for short, focused periods to support their learning. This programme of support is reviewed on a termly basis by the SENCO.
Assessment is central to our curriculum and includes the following:
- Peer and self-evaluation of learning
- Clear learning outcomes shared with pupils
- Shared/negotiated success criteria
- Advice on what to improve and how to improve it
- Individual target setting
- Taking risks for learning
- Celebrating success
- Peer and self assessment
The Areas of Learning
The following is a brief description of the learning areas which make up the revised curriculum in St Conor's primary School:

1. Religious Education
Religious Education has a central position within our curriculum and all pupils follow the recommended Alive 'O' Scheme. Religious Education seeks not only to impart knowledge but also to develop understanding of religious experiences, feelings and attitudes. It is concerned with the spiritual growth of the individual, both in relation to the school, parish and community.
The Catholic ethos permeates all aspects of school life and teachers pass on Christain values and beliefs through example and personal witness. In St Conor's we strive to create a caring ethos where every individual is valued and respected, cared for and protected.
Our religious faith is also celebrated through daily prayers, weekly assemblies, concerts and outside events which occur throughout the school year. We strive to ensure that all events on the Church's calendar are celebrated.
The sacraments received by the children during primary school are:
- Reconciliation (Year 4)
- Holy Communion (Year 4)
- Confirmation (Year 7 )
Masses are celebrated both in school and in the Sacred Heart Church at different points in the year to mark special occasions e.g. beginning of year (September), Christmas, Year 7 Thanksgiving Mass (June). The school Chaplain, Fr T Canning also offers the Sacrament of Penance in schools to pupils in Years 5-7.
On occasions the school choir provides music for the 12.30 Sunday Mass in the Sacred Heart Church and the parents and pupils in Year 4 are encouraged to participate in the 'Do This in Memory' liturgy in preparation for First Holy communion.

2. Language and Literacy (Talking & Listening, Reading and Writing)
Language and Literacy are fundamental in the development of each individual child's ability to interact, express and communicate with confidence. Children's knowledge, skills and understanding are nutured through a range of talking and listening and reading and writing activities.
The Oxford Reading Tree is our main Reading Scheme and is used along with a variety of supplementary reading material. In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 the children are also taught to use phonics through the Jolly Phonics Scheme.
In all classes the use of ICT is used as a valuable tool for teaching and learning. Children have supervised access to appropriate hardware, software and internet access.
Click here to listen to and sing along to the Jolly Phonics songs. Click Oxford Reading Tree Characters to view the Oxford Reading Tree characters.

3. Mathematics and Numeracy
The children are provided with valuable practical experiences which enable them to develop
- Processes in Mathematics
- Number
- Measures
- Shape and Space
- Handling Data
The Heinemann Mathematics as well as a variety of teaching texts and structured practical resources are used by pupils throughout the school. Mental Arithmetic, Problem Solving and Investigations are a feature of Mathematics and Numeracy lessons.
ICT programmes including Learning NI and Alta Maths along with several other appropriate programmes and websites are used to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics.

4. The World Around Us (Geography, History and Science and Technology)
This Area of Learning is to help children explore the world around them from the perspectives of geography, history and science and technology. The emphasis is on developing the children's skills in these subjects and focuses less on learning content/facts.
Schools have flexibility to choose topics that meet the interests and needs of the children in the school. This allows the teachers to look at people, places and/or events in the locality and to design their curriculum to suit the needs of their pupils.

5. The Arts (Art, Music and Drama)
Art and Design, Drama and Music provide rich opportunities for developing creativity, allowing children to express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world in diverse ways, through pictures, sound, drama and dance.
From a young age children will be involved in a range of activities that continue to develop their imagination and natural curiosity, and that allow them to express and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings with confidence. All children have the opportunity to engage in singing, music, art, drama and dance.
Instrumental Tuition (WELB Music Service)
Pupils from Primary 5 onwards have the opportunity to learn the tin whistle on one day a week.
Peripatetic music teachers from WELB Music service provide tuition in Violin, Viola, Cello and Wind Instruments on a weekly basis. A charge is made for these lessons and for the hire of the instrument.

6. Personal Development & Mutual Understanding
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PD&MU) focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
The purpose of Personal Development as a separate Area of Learning within the primary curriculum is to provide the opportunity for specific attention to be given to emotional development, health and safety, relationships and the development of moral thinking, values and action.

7. Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to provide the opportunity for specific attention to be given to the physical development, health and well-being of children.
Through a broad and balanced Physical Education Programme, children will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills, enabling them to participate and perform competently and confidently in a range of physical activities, including dance, athletics, games and swimming (in Year 6).
The school has two well equipped PE Halls, a grass pitch (with football nets) and as well as two tarmac playground areas (a Foundation Stage Playground and a Key Stage 1/2 Playground). Both have playground markings and the Key Stage 1/2 playground has also been marked to facilitate cycling proficiency skills which are taught each year to Year 7 pupils.